Gasoline, stepping cob. In my opinion one of the best out there. Very well known cob. Been to every drive, and fair in the country. Many men will vouch for him. Bombproof in the heaviest of traffic, lorries, busses, nothing fazes him. Easy to catch, shoe and box. Fully shod up now and in work. Clipped out, and getting fit.
Gas will step for fun, got gears like you wouldn’t believe. A real sensible horse to sit behind and enjoy. He’s drives in anything, 2 wheelers and drays. Full set of britchen harness or a quick hitch. Works the tether chain, good with other horses, lives in or out. Pictures of him in dray are todays photos 21/01.
If you’re after a genuine honest straight stepping cob, no lumps or bumps, to take on the drives and show off, he is the one, he’s the horse you want. Please ask for loads of videos of him, if genuinely interested, come try him and I’ll drive him anywhere you like
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